They will sit for a minute and watch you rest or will watch you eating before moving on. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The blue jay is very loud. This animal totem activates the centers of your head, thus activating spiritual knowledge. Creatures of the air naturally symbolize the realm of thought, higher ideals, spirituality and the attainment of higher truth. You enjoy being an advanced thinker, but it’s important to remember to go back to basics sometimes. This makes them fantastic trouble-shooters and quite resourceful (not to mention fascinating party guests). To integrate your physical body with your spiritual growth effectively, ensure that you take care of your diet. Tone down on your over-confidence. Indeed, blue jay people have are always dabbling in new directions, gathering new insight, and slaking their curiosities. Like some other birds, blue jays are quite talkative and have a wide range of vocalizations to express their needs and desires and also to warn others. The blue jay bird symbolism is there to help you get back on track when you have forgotten this.

The blue jay is not a very social bird. When the blue jay spirit guide comes into your life, it tells you to adapt to the changing times. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. ~Blue Jay Symbolism. It has a unique creative intelligence that allows you to see the sacred interconnections in life. This totem empowers you to carry out your tasks with faithfulness, truth, and vigilance. Blue jays are vastly curious, stopping to peck at any shiny thing that catches their eye (much like crows and magpies). Your high level of intelligence spurs you spiritual growth. This allows it to develop a deep connection with the Earth, uncovering sacred interconnections between all things.

This bird is also powerful and vigilant in regards to its social network. Click here to learn more about bird animal totems and meanings. Such resourceful people have great value in any society. When the blue jay bird comes into your life, the inquisitive aspect of your personality comes to the fore. Clarity is a prominent theme with the dreamt blue jay, and it encourages us to to be more honest with ourselves in our thinking. They are fearless when protecting their their partners and young, as well as the territory that they inhabit. The jay symbolism is about going after what you desire, and demonstrating your aggression and assertiveness when the need arises. Moreover, this totem enables you to develop a high sense of inquisitiveness. Based upon their behavior, blue jays are often linked to fierceness, determination, aggression, truthfulness, passion, curiosity, and loyalty. Situations are changing fast, and you need to follow suit. You are likely to excel in careers that require these qualities. We all have our take-away points about animal symbolism. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. learn more about bird animal totems and meanings. You may have a completely different idea about bears or bees than I do.

“We are all bold. Seeing a flock of blue jays in a vision shows that you have tied your beliefs and values to those of your peers. The animals of the air remind us of freedom. These people tend to be a jack-of-all trades, knowing a little bit about seemingly everything.
The bold blue jay animal totem is a stern bird that is symbolic of royalty in the aviary community. Looking back, I can understand. These cookies do not store any personal information. With this birds’ presence, the energy centers of the head may become activated due to the increase of new spiritual knowledge. The Sioux also observed the jay preferring fir and oak trees for their homes and nesting areas. The blue jay spirit is a good companion for those who desire to develop enduring partnerships. If you want to uncover what has been encoded in your destiny when you were born, there’s a free, personalized numerology report you can grab here. You need to be assertive to get your voice heard. Blue jays are as sharp as sapphires, and equally tough to crack. Blue jays recognize that mental growth promotes spiritual growth and they intentionally activate and use their minds to gain new spiritual knowledge. Native American Death-Eaters and Buzzard Meaning, The Art of Anting: Symbolic Lessons From Crows and Ants.
You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The blue jay spirit animal is very perceptive to new ideas. Creatures of the air like birds, insects, bats, etc., are flying high with rich meaning and lessons for us. The blue jay spirit encourages you to say exactly what you need to say. Required fields are marked *, Blue Jay Animal Totem Symbolism & Meanings.

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