Repeat every two weeks. Many of us tend to think that using big words will make us seem smarter. They’ll likely fain interest in things like politics, old-fashioned literature or classical music. They’re exhausting themselves every day by pretending to be something other than themselves to seem smarter or cooler than the rest of the world.

If a person wants to seem cooler, they’ll post endless snaps from parties and holidays. Some people take themselves just a little too seriously. As an example, the Better Half works with someone who recently accepted a part time position in a bookstore. Don't do it angrily, nastily, or rudely. Learn about us. They will also share selfies where they look their absolute best and cover them all with a filter. In that case, pull out another sharp weapon: indifference. When you feel passionate about a subject, you’re usually willing to debate anyone on the matter until your case has been proven. Pay a visit to Starbucks no less than three times a day. 1. pretentious Behaving in an attention-seeking manner via presenting oneself on the surface as being intelligent, provocative, important, avant-garde, humorous or significant, yet harboring ulterior motives, typically involving some form of personal gratification or material gain (e.g. No one should ever try to put anyone else down or make them feel stupid. Use your excess student loan money to buy ridiculously extravagant suits, ties, and shoes that you  wear to your Introductory Economics lectures. Even if you’ve never played a chord in your life. For some, they’re always wearing the latest trends and the most expensive, celebrity-endorsed pieces to make themselves seem flashy and cool and to show others that they’re just as important as any A-Lister wearing the same shoes they blew a fortune buying. The assumption is that if you use long and complicated words, then you must be intelligent because only smart people would know those words, right?

Usually, someone pretending to have these intelligent interests won’t have very strong knowledge on the subjects. It's half-assed and harebrained. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. If you find yourself faced with someone you have a feeling might be faking their interest, maybe give them a push. Pretentious people who are desperately trying to appear to be smarter or cooler than they really are will adopt these interests as their own. In fact, it's better if you remain tactful and considerate, because this will further emphasize the other person's pretentious behavior. 7. Don't do it in front of a group. a pretentious parade of hard words ostentatious stresses vainglorious display or parade. This has made her an unequivocal expert in literature, and she has a tendency to bulldoze over and argue with anyone who doesn't automatically agree that every book she loves is the Best Book Ever. In fact, it tends to give people the artificial feeling of being smart, but what they know is only surface level. Learning Mind is a blog created by Anna LeMind, B.A., with the purpose to give you food for thought and solutions for understanding yourself and living a more meaningful life. What's your behavior pet peeve? That should go a long way toward shutting down the pretentious behavior. Certainly, you are not inferior, and neither are your opinions. Sometimes I feel sorry for them, because they seem so clueless and self-righteous, and then as soon as they open their mouths I just remember how absurd they can be. You can ignore or embrace video games and imbue them with the best artistic quality. passionate about the way we think and the human mind since she developed chronic anxiety many years ago. Always remember, as well, that this person may not even realize how they come across to others. When we’re trying to show the world our very best selves, we head straight to our social media accounts. 1. 7 Traits of ISFP Personality Type: Are You ‘The Adventurer’? If you have a friend, family member, or coworker who doesn't seem to realize that an ounce of pretension is worth a pound of manure, then maybe you can benefit from a few polite but firm ways to put people in their place. 3. Genuinely intelligent people are also willing to admit when they’re not totally clued up on a subject. July 29, 2016; For some people, being themselves is never good enough. But the majority of us know it’s not necessary (or healthy) to put on an entire fake and pretentious persona to do that. But what sort of lengths will they go to, just to feel better than everyone else? Pretentious actions are a lack of character and also lack of trust in who you are or your character. Thus, you can advertise the only parts of you that you want the rest of the world to see. Their lives are almost entirely fictional just to seem cooler, smarter, or somehow better in the eyes of everyone else. You don't have to say that, but maintain your cool, cordial indifference and let the perpetrator know you aren't at all impressed. A quiet chat is better, because it's respectful and allows the person to save face. That's generally because they don't have anything to back up their overblown assertions. They will pretend to be interested even when they really couldn’t care less. They tend to have only taken interest in the most popular versions of the subjects they’re pretending to care for. Pretentious people often fall into two categories, depending on what it is they’re trying to be. Or so they think, of course, but in truth they're rarely superior to anyone. Memorize the first fifty digits of pi. Stand up for them, don't change your mind or get backed into a corner. You don't have to be rude or confrontational to put people in their place. Even if you’ve never played a chord in your life. That’s a sign of a well-adjusted person who is choosing things because they like them, not because they crave attention from anyone else.

Googling a subject will give you a fountain of knowledge on any subject you want. People are enthralled with video games in the same way as other people love the cinema or theatre. Now she loves to write and educate people on mental health and wellbeing, using her personal experience with anxiety to help others who deal with similar issues. To them, their opinions are as good as facts because they're experts in everything. Call them on it. Quotes About Pretentious People Every age has its storytelling form, and video gaming is a huge part of our culture. It's not impressive. There are some things you just can't ignore, however. Never forget that if you own a guitar, you are by default a musician/singer-songwriter/session guitarist for Mumford and Sons. Pretentious people generally need to be right all the time, even when they're not right. Facebook, Twitter and especially Instagram are breeding grounds for pretentious people pretending to be cooler than they really are. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The stereotypical interests of intelligent people tend to be a little difficult to understand. Pretentious people are only pretending to fool themselves as even they inwardly know how shallow their character is.

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