Lindsay does believe that Mr. Harvey killed her sister, however, and she exhibits both incredible bravery and immaturity in breaking into the killer’s house and finding what evidence she can. Jack explains that it is not that simple, that they need to find evidence against him before he can be arrested. A former lawyer who takes a permanent leave from his job shortly after Susie’s death, ostensibly so that he can grieve. The novel was an immediate success after it’s release and sold over one million copies and remained on the New York Times bestseller list for over a year.

However, the police quickly find that he has an alibi for the night that she was killed. Mr. Harvey becomes interested in a special kind of outdoor tent built by a tribe in Mali. But in heaven, the one thing Susie wants most is the one thing she cannot have, to be back home with her family. Detective Fenerman apologetically tells the Salmon’s that the hat was used as a gag. She tells us that he is what her father would call “a character”. Chapter one begins right away with Susie telling her name and the date of her murder—December 6th 1973. That November, Lindsay joins the soccer team at school and begins to train with them by running laps around the neighborhood. After her murder, the story is told as she watches the lives of her family and friends, and also of her killer. Susie asks where he is going and he tells her that he is going somewhere that she will follow soon. He follows him with a baseball bat and accidentally knocks down another girl named Clarissa who is waiting to meet her boyfriend, Brian. The Question and Answer section for The Lovely Bones is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. She is presented as a contrast to Susie. She is called into the principal’s office so that he can offer his condolences. He notes that usually when he starts to be suspected he packs up and leaves town as soon as possible. The police inform Susie’s parents of this but, grief-stricken as they are they refuse to believe it. He stops at a construction site and throws the bracelet into a hole that will be made into a man made lake. Susie gets used to being in Ruth’s body and asks Ray to kiss her. Len visits Jack in the hospital and gives him the keystone charm even though it is against the rules. He believes that the police aren’t doing a good enough job of searching for his daughter’s murderer. Susie watches Mr. Harvey move around the country, staying on the run throughout the rest of the 1970’s. I kissed him because I wanted to see Ruth and I wanted to see Holly and I wanted to know if they could see me. His name is George Harvey and the day that she was murdered he startled her by calling out to her in the dark as she was walking home from school. In this scene, set years later, she temporarily possesses the body of another girl to have sex with her teenage crush. On earth, Susie’s father lines up all the ships that they made together and smashes them. Susie watches over her family and realizes how they have grown without her. He explains that his drawing of the dugout is from the police’s descriptions of where Susie’s body was found and that he only drew it recently. The book was an immediate success and made Sebold a household name. Susie is our point of view character for the entirety of the novel, and we view the ensuing circumstances through her eyes. She tells us that her murderer was a man from her neighborhood that her parents had spoken to on occasion. Abigail stays on at the house and she and Jack give all of the Susie and Grandma Lynn’s things away to Goodwill.

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